Technological Times of India

It is all about the time. It cannot be started or stopped by anyone. It never ends. With time, creation has evolved. Every event occurs over time. People believe that fortunes come to them in good times.

The World of Networking

The family has held the highest position in society since ancient times. A person’s family names him or her. People used to do various family businesses to make a living back when there was no technology.

Programming Languages and Job Opportunities

Man is the most intelligent creature in nature. He has done many things since the beginning of the cosmos. His ability for thought and imagination is what led to all his discoveries.

High Paying IT Jobs in 21st Century

Each and every living thing on earth works hard to survive. Since the beginning of humankind, people have discovered a wide variety of ways to work in order to support their living.

Predicting the 2022 Tech Landscape

What will we recall about the year 2021? The completed year will always be remembered as the one in which individuals discovered how to endure the pandemic while continuing with their normal lives.

How to Start an Ecommerce Website

Online transactions are referred to as ecommerce, also called electronic commerce. E-commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods and services online by individuals and businesses. Other activities covered by the term “ecommerce website” include internet banking, online auctions, payment gateways, and online tickets.

Ignorance of Cyber Security A Ticking Time Bomb for Your Wallet

Cybercrime and related activities advance in sophistication and visibility as the world is constantly evolving and making technological breakthroughs. Since its inception, the financial sector has dealt with thieves, miscreants, and con artists who aim to prey on the defenceless, careless, and unobservant.

Famous Indian Engineers Who Changed the World

Renowned prolific science fiction writer Isaac Asimov while writing a storm of stories penned down a quote that says the following “Science can amuse and fascinate us all, but it is engineering that changes the world”