Metaverse – A Human Universe

Humans are endowed with the ability to visualize. He imagined becoming civilized and imposing a system of laws on himself to create a peaceful human civilization around him.

Role of Mechanical Engineers in Developing Young India

The internet is reaching 5G speeds. Electric engines have begun to take the role of ICE. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies have already ingrained themselves in our daily lives and are having a substantial impact across a variety of industries.

Electrical Engineers Are All Set to Rule the World

It is obvious that energy cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transformed into new forms by different methods. Electricity is an example of a form of energy that may be obtained in a variety of ways.

The World of Internet of Things.

The internet has become quite popular in recent years. It is no longer rocket science; everyone is aware of it. It may be operated by even the most inexperienced person.

Engineering Graduates and IR-4.0

Humans accomplish anything they set their minds to. It is quite astounding how he has designed himself to live in this environment from the moment of his creation to the present.

The Internet and The Fifth Generation

It can occasionally surprise you to see the changes that the internet has brought about. It has improved nearly every work area’s performance level. Without relying on the TV or newspaper, you may access the latest news from anywhere in the world.

Cloud Computing- Sky is the limit

The internet has revolutionized human lives. It has improved people’s ability to think. It was initially created to ease secure communication between two remote computers.

A Light on the ‘DARQ’

Breaking news! Technology experts plan to introduce “DARQ” to the scientific and technological communities. Yes, that is true. An unanticipated ‘DARQ’ness has appeared after so much research and development in the fields of science and technology.

Automation makes the world fast

The ability of humans to think beyond their physical limitations and accomplish things with the use of various tools sets them apart from other creatures in the world.