Commuting in the city of Bengaluru these days is a herculean task and also most worrisome with special reference to students due to their precious time of study is lost. To tackle this situation and to bring in an amicable solution to the whole problem, Institution plies their own fleet of buses across the city of Bengaluru to ensure that you reach the Institution on time and leave the campus on time. The benefits of our own transportation are as follows
  • Affordable Cost
  • On time every time
  • Limited seats
  • Convenient and commutable.
  1. Kindly go through the transport rules and regulations and pick up and drop points.
  2. Download the application form.
  3. Fill the application form and submit in the college transport office along with an existing bus pass and one passport size photo.
  4. Ensure that the online transaction details are properly filled up in the application form before submitting it.