- About
- Autonomous Evaluation System
- Examination policies
- Notifications
- Time Table
- Examination Form
- Results
- Application Forms
- Annual Reports
- Graduation Day

Dr. Vijilius Helena Raj
Professor and Controller of Examination
New Horizon College of Engineering is an autonomous institute, effective from August 2015, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. The institute promotes academic curriculum as per the needs of the industry and new developments in the various fields.
The office of the Controller of Examinations was established in the year 2015 after the conferment of Autonomous status to the institute.
The examination for the autonomous courses is conducted by the Institute, in two stages emphasizing continuous Internal Evaluation [CIE] throughout the semester and Semester End Examination [SEE] at the end of the semester. Complete examination process is executed by the Office of the Controller of Examination in coordination with all departments.
- Issuing Semester Grade Card at the end of every semester. Transcripts and other related certificates will be issued on request.
- Issuing certificates such as Course completion, Conduct and Provisional degree Certificate to all successful candidates after the completion of a Programme .
- Recommending successful candidates with their Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) to the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum for issue of Original Degree Certificate.
- Providing and Publishing list of Rank holders and Medallists before the conduct of Annual convocation.
- Strictly adhere to the university instructions regarding Autonomous Examinations.
- Conduction of all Semester End Examination of the college.
- Overall examination process which includes, scheduling the examination dates, to take necessary action to set the question papers from the examiners, printing the question papers, conduction, valuation, and Processing and publishing results in time
- Notifications, SEE timetable, instructions, guidelines etc. any additions and modifications are invariably being notified to departments and on the website from time to time
- SEE results of undergraduate and post graduate examinations are announced in website within a week of completion of Examination.
Guidelines and Criteria for Semester End Examinations, Makeup Exams, Supplementary Semesters, and Award of Ranks
(For Detailed GUIDELINES Visit: https://newhorizonindia.edu/nhengineering/academic-rules-regulations/)
The order in which SEE is conducted is as follows:
Semester End Examination:
Examination Schedule:
- ODD Semester End Examinations: Generally held between December and January.
- EVEN Semester End Examinations: Generally held between May and June.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Attendance: Students must have a minimum attendance of 85% in each course.
- CIE Marks:
- Undergraduate (UG) students: Minimum of 40% in Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE).
- Postgraduate (PG) students: Minimum of 50% in CIE.
Evaluation and Supervision :
- The Semester End Examinations are conducted under the supervision of the Controller of Examinations.
Completion of Course:
- A student is considered to have successfully completed a course and earned the credits if they secure an acceptable letter grade within the following ranges:
- Undergraduate (UG): Letter grades O to P. The PP grade indicates a pass in a mandatory course.
- Postgraduate (PG): Letter grades O to C.
- A letter grade of ‘F’ and” NP” indicates failure in the course, and no credits are earned. The NP grade indicates fail in a mandatory course.
- A letter grade of ‘NE’ indicates that the student failed to gain eligibility to appear for the Semester End Examinations. In such cases, the student must repeat the course by re-registering in supplementary semester.
Makeup Examination:
- The Makeup Examination will be conducted immediately after every ODD and EVEN Semester End Examination.
- Student who obtains transitional grades such as ‘I’, ‘W’ and ‘X’ in SEE are eligible to appear in Makeup Examination and can secure Letter Grades for that particular course. Student who fails to obtain letter grades in Makeup Examination will automatically obtain F grade for respective course.
Revaluation: It is a grievance redressing mechanism which facilitates the students to get the answer scripts reassessed by a different examiner.
Supplementary Semester Guidelines:
Eligibility for Supplementary Semester:
- NE Grade: A student who obtains an NE (Not Evaluated) grade in a particular course during either the ODD or EVEN semester is eligible for the Supplementary Semester for that specific course. The student must attend classes and retake the Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) before appearing for the Supplementary Semester Examination
- F Grade: A student who obtains an F (Fail) grade in a particular course during either the ODD or EVEN semester is also eligible for the Supplementary Semester for that specific course. The student is required to appear only for the Supplementary Semester Examination, with the previous CIE marks being carried forward.
Schedule :
- The Supplementary Semester is conducted only once a year, after every EVEN Semester End Examination between June and August.
Registration and Credit Limit:
- Students can register for a maximum of 16 credits during the Supplementary Semester.
Eligibility for Passing and Award of Degree
UG: For a pass in a theory and laboratory (practical) course, the student shall secure minimum of 40% of the maximum marks prescribed in the Semester End Examination and 40% of marks in CIE and 40 % in the aggregate of CIE and SEE marks. The Minimum Passing Grade in a course is P.
PG: For a pass in a theory and laboratory (practical) course, the student shall secure minimum of 40% of the maximum marks prescribed in the Semester End Examination and 50% of marks in CIE and 50 % in the aggregate of CIE and SEE marks. The Minimum Passing Grade in a course is C.
It may be noted that each student shall have to obtain the grade PP in each mandatory course to qualify for
the Degree award by the University.
CGPA ³ 5.0 is required for the award of degree.
Grade Points Scale for Absolute Grading for UG:
Level | Outstanding | Excellent | Very Good | Good | Above Average | Average | Pass | Fail |
Letter Grade | O | A+ | A | B+ | B | C | P | F |
Grade Points | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 0 |
Percentage of Marks Scored in a Course | >=90 | <90 >=80 | <80 >=70 | <70 >=60 | <60 >=55 | <55 >=50 | <50 >=40 | <40 |
(90-100) | (80-89) | (70-79) | (60-69) | (55-59) | (50-54) | (40-49) | (0-39) |
Grade Points Scale for Absolute Grading for PG:
Level | Outstanding | Excellent | Very Good | Good | Average | Pass | Fail |
Letter Grade | O | A+ | A | B+ | B | C | F |
Grade Points | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 0 |
Percentage of Marks Scored in a Course | >=90 | <90 >=80 | <80 >=70 | <70 >=60 | <60 >=55 | <55 >=50 | <50 |
(90-100) | (80-89) | (70-79) | (60-69) | (55-59) | (50-54) | (0-49) |
Grade Point Averages:
SGPA and CGPA: The credit index can be used further for calculating the Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), both of which being important performance indices of the student. While
- SGPA is equal to the credit index for a semester divided by the total number of credits registered by the student in that semester,
- CGPA gives the sum total of credit indices of all the previous semesters divided by the total number of credits registered in all these semesters
Conversions of Grades into Percentage and Class Equivalence
Conversions of Grades into Percentage: Conversion formula for the conversion of CGPA into percentage is given below: Percentage of marks secured, P=[CGPA Earned]×10 Illustration for a CGPA Of 8.20: P=[CGPA Earned 8.2]×10=82.0 %
Class Equivalence: After the conversion of final CGPA into percentage of marks (P), a graduating student is reckoned to have passed in (i) First Class with Distinction [FCD] if P≥70% (ii) First Class (FC) if P≥60% but <60% (iii) Second Class (SC) if P≥50% but <50%
Semester | Permission and Conditions | Maximum Duration |
I | Regular/ readmission The re-admitted students must comply with all requirements applicable to 2022-23 admitted students. | B.E: Eight years (regular) and Six years (lateral entry) from the date of the first admission and also as per notifications issued from time to time by university. |
III | Attendance Requirements:
Credit Backlogs:
Eligibility Deadline:
| |
V | The students are permitted to seek admission to the 5th semester if they have satisfied the attendance requirements as per applicable regulations up to the 4th semester. From 3rd semester onwards the student/s who obtains required attendance, CIE, and appears for Semester End examinations but fails (F Grade) to pass a course/s is allowed to move forward to the next semester (odd/even) irrespective of a number of F grades. However, for the award of degree, the student has to pass in all courses as per applicable scheme and regulations and earn the prescribed credits. This is subject to a permitted maximum duration. | |
VII | The students are permitted to seek admission to the 7th semester only if they have satisfied the attendance requirements for all the courses as per applicable regulations up to the 6th semester and with any number of backlogs courses (F grade) from the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th semesters. But the student will be given admission to the IV year (7th semester/8th semester) provided he/she passes all courses of 1st and 2nd semesters. |
Semester | Permission and Conditions | Maximum Duration |
I | Regular/ readmission The re-admitted students must comply with all requirements applicable to 2022-23 admitted students. | Four years from the date of the first admission and also as per notifications issued from time to time by university. |
III | Attendance Requirements:
Credit Backlogs:
Criteria for Awarding Ranks:
Merit-Based on CGPA:
- Ranks are determined based on the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) secured from the III to VIII semester for BE students and from the I to IV semester for PG students
- If students have the same CGPA, the tie is resolved by considering the number of times each student has achieved a higher Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA).
- If the tie is still unresolved, the number of times each student has obtained higher grades is used to decide the order of the rank.
- The student must pass all courses from the I semester onward in the first attempt, including all mandatory non-credit courses.
- Students appearing for Makeup/Supplementary Examinations are not eligible for ranks.
Number of Ranks Awarded:
- The total number of ranks awarded is 10% of the total number of students who appeared for the VIII semester exams, with a maximum of 10 ranks.
Completion Without Breaks:
- The student must have completed all courses and semesters of the same Scheme of Teaching and Examinations without any break or discontinuity within the stipulated time.
No Transfers:
- The student should not have been transferred from any autonomous institution affiliated with VTU or from any other university.

Exam Application Form Link2 (Kindly use this link incase, if you face re-direction issue in SEE Examination Form)
Updated on 30.01.2024
Print out of Exam Application Form ( if Exam Application form is already submitted )
Updated on 30.01.2024
Application for correction in Grade Card
Application for Duplicate Grade Card Card
Application for issue of Backlog summary report
Application for Issue of General Certificates
Application for Official Transcript
Application for PDC & CC Certificate