Designing Enterprise Framework and Resource linkages for Make-in-India startups

Activity Name: Workshop on Designing Enterprise Framework and Resource linkages for Make-in-India startups
Theme: CELEBRATION/IIC /MIC/Self Driven(activities of Clubs/EDC/Departmental activities Related to Design thinking, Startup, Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Hackathon, Innovation Challenge)
Program Theme:
- IPR & Technology Transfer
- Innovation & Design Thinking
- Entrepreneurship & Startup
- Pre -Incubation & Incubation Management
Activity Type:
Level 1- Expert Talk/Exposure Visit/Mentoring Session
Level 2- Conference/Exposure Visit/Seminar/workshop/Boot camp
Level 3-Competiton/Demo Day/ Exhibition/Workshop
Level 4-Challenges/Hackathon/Tech-Fest
Mode of Conduct: Offline Blended Online
Date: From: 25-02-2023 To: 25-02-2023
Number of student Participants(Min: 20): 53
Number of Faculty Participants(As Many): 2
Objective(100 words): The Department of CSE organized Entrepreneurship Awareness Program for 3rd Semester students on 25/03/2023 from 11.00 AM to 01.00 PM. Our Resource person is Ms. Saritha Devpunje, Founder, Magneton Technologies Pvt Ltd. The objective of this event is to provide knowledge of business to students having no knowledge and to make them successful businessmen. Key topics of the event are: Designing Enterprise framework and providing linkages for the startups with the support of ED Cell of NHCE.
Benefit in-terms of learning/skill/knowledge obtained: A total of 53 students participated and benefited from these sessions. They acquired knowledge on how to develop ideas, how to collaborate and work with a team, how to collect and analyse the data, how to use social media as an advocacy tool etc.