Why should every college student attend academic conferences?

With the advent of knowledge emerging and evolving by the second, it is impossible to stay updated with mere classroom teaching/learning. Passing exams with a good grade is one thing while being aware and well-read on the latest developments in your field of study is another. No doubt, the internet offers the world happenings on a silver platter, ready to consume and duplicate but comes with its limitations and reserves. This is proven by the number of colleges coming up every day across cities towns and suburbs.
How does studying in an all-encompassing educational space make a difference? Well, such places equip their wards to move away from rote learning and initiate them into experiential, practical exposure. Amongst all the co-curricular activities, preparing them to attend conferences, present papers, and have them published instills a plethora of skills and values. At the outset, it creates a research-oriented outlook and realigns their vision to approach their subject of specialization with deep understanding and clarity.
Irrespective of undergraduate courses or postgraduate/doctoral work, it is imperative to cultivate the practice of registering for conferences, both national and international. In the beginning, it is advisable to register only as a participant, to observe and understand what happens at these conferences. After acquiring a fair idea of the proceedings, look up academic institutions and their conference alerts. Start making a list of national/international conferences, whether virtual or offline, and the fee structure for registration. Also if the topic of the conference is relevant to your field of interest.
5 benefits of attending conferences:
Academic conferences offer a number of advantages, regardless of the format selected. However, many academics are hesitant to register for these conferences, especially those who are just starting out in academia. Academic conferences offer scholars the chance to stay current with recent breakthroughs, discover opportunities that could change their careers, and establish productive working partnerships.
1. Refreshing your Mind: By preparing to participate in a conference, you will move away from the humdrum of everyday routine and dive into your research paper. It will open up new avenues of interest and engagement. You will be privy to the newest data, research ideas and gain exposure to current trends in the market.
2. Help boost your network: when you are part of a conference, especially offline, you get to meet like-minded scholars and peers sharing similar interests. This creates possibilities to brainstorm and discuss your paper which may lead to collaborative research and future interactions.
3. Strengthen your presentation skills: An arena to shed your fears and face an august audience to deliver content that is the fruit of your labor. Most conferences will have ISB/ISSN publications that will carry the proceedings of the conference. Imagine the pride when you see your work and name in print, amongst many other intellectuals!
4. Add a cherry to your profile: Every conference attended and paper presented/published will add value to your resume, and elevate your placement prospects to great heights.
5. A chance to explore new places: Attending conferences always takes you to new places, states, countries, and experiences. A novel way of greeting new cultures and learning new ideas.
Common mistakes to avoid as a conference attendee:
1. Not being attentive: keep your ears and eyes open for every piece of information coming your way. Let it not be a namesake exercise.
2. Keeping up with updates: Read up and be aware of the conference topic and the recent developments in that space. This effort will give you an edge over the rest.
3. Socializing: Move around the conference arena, interact with new people, get to know their area of research, and voila! you may have stumbled upon a mate for research or a fun activity.
4. Planning: An important value in general and in the context of a conference, planning ahead makes for a better quality paper, better standards of presentation, and better reach to the audience.
5. Etiquette: This is a formal environment. Dress formally, greet people with courtesy, and avoid slang and casual remarks, even if the delegates are your age. Remember to leave a lasting impression. You never know how your presence and performance can bring back surprises in terms of offers and network.
With colleges coming up every day, for one to stand out as a sought-after one, it is inevitable for the college to rise above and beyond academics. It is vital to create a buoyant enterprising environment, where students throng to be a part of it and leave with a world of experiential learning and an ocean of awareness, and a multi-dimensional outlook.
In this context, it is noteworthy to mention New Horizon College, both Engineering and Degree, that creates this eclectic environment for its students with an abundance of opportunities to create, involve, participate and grow.