“VTU Intercollegiate Bangalore Central Division Basketball (Men) Tournament 2022-23”
We are glad to inform you that Department of Physical Education and sports of New Horizon College of Engineering had organized “VTU Intercollegiate Bangalore Central Division Basketball (Men)Tournament 2022-23”. The tournaments were conducted on 28th and 29th November 2022. The Tournament was inaugurated by Dr. M Shivarama Reddy Member VTU Sports and Cultural Committee, Physical Education Director of BMS College of Engineering, Mr.Ritvik MSVV National Basketball Player and Alumni of NHCE, Dr.Manjunatha Principal of New Horizon College of Engineering, joined by other dignitaries of NHCE.
Over 14 Engineering Colleges participated in the tournament. The institutes of repute were CMRIT, MSRIT, Dr.AIT, BMSCE, NHCE, EWIT, TOCE, HKBKCE, ATRIA, BNMIT, BIT, SEACET, VIT and CIT
The Valedictory Ceremony of the “VTU Intercollegiate Bangalore Central Division Basketball (Men) Tournament was held at Indoor Basket Ball Court. The Chief Guest of the function was Dr.Manjunatha, Principal of New Horizon College of Engineering, joined by other dignitaries of NHCE.
Winners: MSRIT
Runners: BMS College of Engineering
Semi-Finals: NHCE & CMRIT