The MRTM conference: Retrospect

The MRTM conference: Retrospect
A chat with Mr. Sanjeev Sharma, the Dean of the Department of QASDC
Congratulations on the successful completion of the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (MRTM) 2023.
We hear of conferences being held here, there, and everywhere. There are national, state-level, and international conferences on every possible topic ranging across the spectrum of science, Arts, Technology, Commerce, and human behavior held in both academic and industrial spaces.
How is this blog different? Well, it is from the point of view of one who has seen it up and close from the minute this conference seed was sown. Read the excerpts shared here to know more.
- What was the inspiration behind organizing the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (MRTM) 2023?
In our constant quest to improvise and raise the bar of academic standards, we brainstormed on the next idea, and thus was born the IEEE conference.
- How did the idea take shape, considering it has been organized at such a big level for the first time in NHCE?
QASDC being the fulcrum of the institution, wished to provide our in-house faculty with an international platform to publish their papers and learn from the experts. What better way than through this conference?
- Share your thoughts on how this idea was received and what did it take to get approvals and sanctions from the management.
The moment the idea was finalized and approved by our supportive management, we began our work. Now, when we look back, the last 8-10 months of meticulous preparation and coordination have been a great learning one. Reaching out to IEEE USA and IEEE Bangalore to get their approvals, and building our exclusive conference web page with all the details, was the first step forward.
- How did you go about planning the conference and selecting the keynote speakers and panelists for the conference? How do you think their contributions impacted the overall success of the event?
Well, I must admit, it has been an amazing teamwork. When we came to the keynote speakers, panelists, and guests of honor, we were sure, it ought to be a fine blend of dignitaries from the global arena, Indian industry, and academia.
The international speakers would bring in their global expertise and our possibility to explore and learn from them. The Industry and academia experts would share their knowledge on research and trends in the market. The panelists were diligently chosen keeping two experts from the IEEE section of Bangalore, two from Industry, and two Policy Makers, all involved in the sustainability aspect of technology and research.
- What were some of the biggest challenges you faced while organizing the conference and how did you overcome them?
The biggest challenge and the proudest moment was when our inbox overflowed with 3000+ papers submitted for review and acceptance. Out of this, one-third of them, a whopping 1000 papers had to be carefully read and reviewed to be finalized and sent out for publication. Next, organizing the presentation of these 1000 papers in both virtual and offline mode was truly a herculean task. We had to be on high alert to ensure the sessions happened smoothly and glitch-free.
- Were there any unexpected outcomes or positive surprises that emerged from the conference? If so, can you share them with us?
The participation of research scholars, students, industry experts, and faculty members went to 1000+. This excludes the online paper presenters. This overwhelming response and a celebrated buzzing campus on the two days of the conference truly felt we had received the reward for all the labor.
- What are some of the unique features of MRTM 2023 that set it apart from other conferences?
At the outset, the presence of our chief guest, the Honorable Vice Chancellor of VTU was a very big accomplishment. His presence not just added an aura to the day, but brought the limelight on the college with all VTU colleges applauding us.
Next, the fine blend of the global, industry and academia collaborating to make the panel discussion a great space for new information and learning.
Most importantly, a great possibility of converting the papers into either patents, prototypes or topics to be explored for further research.
- How do you see MRTM 2023 making a positive impact on the industry and academia?
The mileage and visibility received are reflective of the reach this conference has had and the future networking and possibilities it will bring to the institution at large.
- Can you share any interesting or memorable moments you experienced while organizing MRTM 2023?
The sheer commitment and dedication of the conference team comprising of faculty and students was very fulfilling and this humungous success could not have been possible without the team working round the clock, putting aside their personal engagements.
- From a social and emotional point of view, what is your learning and takeaway? Some unexpected surprises, touching incidents, and support from people not involved in the conference.
Everyone rose to the occasion, to make it happen. right from the office staff to our honorable chairman, from the marketing and branding department to the IEE college team, it was truly a coming together of diverse teams with a common goal. That is touching and exemplary.
- How did the social media promotion and publicity through various mediums help in the visibility and reach of the conference?
Right from the inception of the website to designing the posters, standees, and all promotional materials, from putting together the 800 odd pages of the publication of papers as a book to covering live every aspect of the two-day event, truly the department, coordinated everything, meeting deadlines, staying up late hours and always willing to accommodate last minute changes and corrections. A special shout-out to them!!
- How do you think the conference has helped build stronger relationships between the academic and industry communities?
A vast network has been established that will help the student community and all the research scholars and faculty in their learning curves and careers.
Major companies like Callcom, Intel, Dell, Isro, Wipro, and Cadence were some of the industries present.
- What feedback have you received from attendees and participants of the conference? How do you plan to address any criticisms or suggestions for improvement?
Every participant, delegate, and guest was all in praise for this global gathering that brought to light current topics around Science and Technology, Management, and Engineering.
Other highlights of this conference were
- First time an international IEEE collaborated conference of this magnitude was organized at NHCE.
- 3000+ papers were submitted for review.
- 200+ papers from other countries.
- Though IEEE is an Electrical and Electronics organization, for the first time, it was truly an interdisciplinary conference bringing together research and learning from across academia, covering all fields of specialization.
In my view, after review and assessment of the just concluded conference, I do have a few scope for improvement points. One is the coordination and management of the sessions happening at various venues simultaneously. That may be improvised for a better flow and fine time management.
Thank you my beloved faculty and students for standing together, pitching in, and ensuring we set the benchmark absolutely high for future conference organizers to beat. Am touched and overwhelmed and remain proud of what we have achieved through this memorable milestone.
Adieu until we meet again at another enterprising conference!!