Event Timing: 3:00 onwards
Late attendees will be disqualified.
Welcome to the Tech Olympics, a software-based event that tests your speed and teamwork. Organized by the INNOVATION Club of New Horizon College of Engineering, it consists of three rounds – namely Software Sprint, Code Hurdles and Tech Relay. The event is Beginner-Friendly and focuses more on the contribution of each team member. The event will start at 3:00 pm in C-523, Chatrapathi Shivaji Block. Top two teams will be awarded.
1. Brief Explanation of Rounds
ROUND 1 : Software Sprint – This round requires the teams to create a frontend
website on a particular theme within 20 minutes. The criteria is to create a functional
and aesthetically good looking website within the stipulated time.
ROUND 2 : Code Hurdles – This round requires teams to find the bugs in a given code
and debug it within the given time. Criteria is to have a fully functional code by the
end of the round.
ROUND 3 : Tech Relay – This round requires participants in each team to solve a
problem individually. Criteria is every member in a team must solve the problem to
ensure they win the coveted Tech Olympics.
General Guidelines
All participants must complete registration prior to the event and report at the assigned venue by 2:30 pm.
Student ID:
Participants must carry a valid student ID card from their institution and present it at the time of registration.
Team Composition:
- Each team should consist of 2 members.
- Cross-institutional teams are allowed (students from different colleges can collaborate).
DR. B Rajalakshmi,
Student Branch Counsellor
Email: hod_cse@newhorizonindia.edu
Phone: 08066297777 – 2040 / 2041
New Horizon College of Engineering
Outer Ring Road, Near Marathahalli,
Bellandur Main Road, Bengaluru,
Karnataka 560103
Teams must adhere to the event schedule.
Setup Time:
- A 30-minute setup window (2:30 pm – 3:00 pm) will be provided to all teams.
- Teams are responsible for ensuring they are ready with their laptops.
Task Demonstration:
- Each team will have 3-5 minutes to present their project to the judges.
- Presentations must be concise, clear, and engaging.
Be polite and professional when answering questions or addressing feedback.
Display Area:
- Teams are responsible for keeping their display area clean and organized.
- Ensure that all project equipment is safe and does not obstruct movement.
Required Materials:
Teams must bring all necessary equipment (laptops, chargers etc).
- All equipment used should follow general safety guidelines and must not put anybody at risk.
- Hazardous materials are strictly prohibited.
Judging Time:
Judges may check tasks in any order as per their discretion and participants must comply accordingly.
- Originality.
- Practicality and Out-of-the-box Thinking.
- Presentation skills and team effort.
- The decision of the judging panel and event coordinators will be final and binding.
- No appeals regarding judging outcomes will be entertained.
Punctuality and Discipline:
Teams must stick to the allotted schedule and avoid disrupting other teams.
Rule Changes:
Organizers reserve the right to amend the rules as deemed necessary.
Any changes will be communicated to registered participants via email or on-site announcements.
Post-Event Protocols
Teams must pack up their belongings and leave the area immediately after the event ends. Dispose waste materials responsibly.
Participants are encouraged to submit feedback about the event to help improve such events in the future.
Emergency and Support
Technical Assistance:
Club members will be available on-site to assist with any technical issues (e.g., power, Wi-Fi, equipment setup).
In case of any safety concerns or accidents, please immediately contact a club member or event coordinator for assistance.
Dave: 8956404471
Subhika: 9663414127