Red Carpet Ceremony (21st November 2024)

On 21st November 2024, our 4/6 COY Company organized a prestigious Red Carpet Ceremony to honour the outstanding achievements of its members.

The event celebrated the accomplishments of CPL Shashiraj Desai. who successfully represented our Battalion at the All India Thal Sainik Camp (AITSC) and reached the national level in Delhi, marking an extraordinary

milestone. Additionally. NCC Officer Lt. Ravikumar M Sir was recognized for completing the rigorous training at the Officers Training Academy (OTA) and earning the rank Of Lieutenant, reflecting their dedication and leadership.

The program also included the felicitation or other Thal Sainik Camp (TSC) cadets for their tireless efforts and exemplary performance during the camp. The ceremony was a tribute to their hard work, resilience, and contribution to the unit’s success.