On April 17th, 2024, New Horizon College of Engineering had organized a vibrant celebration of Ramnavami, a Hindu festival commemorating the birth of Lord Rama. The event took place at the college temple premises and included various rituals, prayers, and aarathi to the Lord Rama.

The atmosphere was filled with enthusiasm and devotion as everyone came together to honor Lord Rama. A traditional pooja  was performed by the priest, invoking the blessings of Lord Rama for prosperity, well-being, and academic success for all associated with NHCE.

Following the completion of the pooja, prasad was distributed to all staff members and students. The prasad consisted of kosumbari, butter milk and panaka, symbolizing divine blessings and the sharing of joy and harmony among the NHCE community.

The event provided an opportunity for everyone to come together, irrespective of their cultural or religious background, and experience the richness of Indian traditions and spirituality.

The Ramnavami celebration at NHCE was an astonishing experience, fostering a sense of unity, reverence, and cultural pride among the college community. By organizing such religious and cultural events, NHCE continues to promote inclusivity, harmony, and holistic development among its members.

Glimpses of the event : Ram Navami