
QuantumX24-A chat with the organizing team.

To be the harbinger of new experiences is the ultimate goal of every educator.


Rewind to December 2022, when Quantum X 22 was the dream come true project of the President of NHEI, Dhermesh Manghnani. and Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, Dean of NHCIIE, IEEE NHCE Student Chapter and AICTE Spices. The very first edition of the Tech Fest was the collaborative efforts of the enterprising student community and faculty mentors.

Over three days, the fest offered students from all over India a series of technical and management events- from a 24-hour Hackathon to Drone Races, from Hacker Series to Battle Bots, accompanied by Ideastorm, Best Manager, Robo Football, and a slew of other exciting events, as well as workshops and expert talks that catered to curious minds who were eager to learn!

Inspired by the response and the learning from the first edition, the planning team under the aegis of Dr. Sanjeev Sharma, went all out to make the next edition better and bigger. Quantum X- 24 with the theme Cyberpunk Utopia hit the floors on January 23rd, 2024, for a span of three days.

QuantumX-24 boasted an array of plenary discussions on various trending topics. “Chai Pe Charcha”, the flagship event held by plenary members from BCIC on the topic “Digital Transformation in Education”.

The fest garnered a lot of curiosity and participation from far and wide. Over 1800 participants from six different states, including Goa, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh, made the fest a grand success. The diversity added richness to the event, bringing together individuals with varied perspectives and backgrounds.

Let’s hear from the team about the enriching experience around putting together this mega-tech event, and coordinating with participants, sponsors, and the branding department for all the promotional content.

1. Can you share your inspiration behind choosing the theme “A Cyberpunk Utopia” for QuantumX-24, and how do you think it resonated with the participants and attendees?

Ans : So, we came up with this cool theme for Quantum X-24 – “A Cyberpunk Utopia.” It’s all about blending futuristic tech with that gritty, dystopian cyberpunk vibe. We wanted to dive into how tech can be both awesome and a bit messy for society. People really dug the theme—it got everyone thinking, chatting, and buzzing with creativity about where tech might take us.

2. How has QuantumX-24 evolved from its first edition?

Ans : With over 50 events, workshops, and tech talks, QuantumX-24 encompassed a diverse range of activities catering to both technical and non-technical audiences. The event lineup included Quantum Hacks, a 30-hour hackathon, Battle Bots, RC Race, Circuit Premier League, RC Boat, Gaming, Best Manager, and many others. These events were strategically designed to cover a broad spectrum of fields, ensuring that participants had opportunities to engage with their areas of interest and expertise.

3. What were the key improvements and additions you brought in for Quantum X-24 compared to the earlier edition?

Ans : The Quantum X-24 got a major upgrade with some impressive new features. We put together a lineup of diverse workshops and speakers, covering a wider range of topics to keep things interesting. And guess what? We added interactive panel discussions and hands-on sessions to make the whole experience even more engaging, ensuring everyone has new learning and insightful conversations.

4. As part of the organizing team, what were some of the exciting challenges you faced while putting together Quantum X-24, and how did you tackle them to ensure its success?

Ans : Getting Quantum X-24 organized was a real rollercoaster! We had to juggle all sorts of schedules for speakers, figure out the virtual and in-person logistics, and make sure all the tech pieces fit seamlessly. But we nailed it! Thanks to some clear communication, handy project management tools, and quick thinking when things got a bit worked up. Teamwork really made the dream work, and we pulled off an awesome event!

5. Quantum X-24 aimed to be a platform for innovators, enthusiasts, and students. Can you share how the event sparked curiosity and innovation within the tech community?

Ans : Quantum X-24 catalyzed sparking curiosity and innovation within the tech community. Through inspiring talks, hands-on workshops, and collaborative projects, participants were exposed to cutting-edge technologies and diverse perspectives. The event provided a platform for networking and idea exchange, fostering a community of innovators who continue to collaborate and drive advancements in technology.

6. Aligning with the mission of New Horizon College of Engineering, how do you think Quantum X-24 contributed to shaping and enhancing the college’s tech culture?

Ans :  In alignment with the mission of New Horizon College of Engineering, Quantum X-24 significantly contributed to shaping and enhancing the college’s tech culture. The event promoted a spirit of exploration, learning, and collaboration, bringing into line the institution’s commitment to fostering a dynamic and forward-thinking environment for its students.

7. With Quantum X-24 spanning three days, what were the highlights and memorable moments that stood out to you as a team member?

Ans :  Quantum X-24’s three-day duration allowed for a rich array of highlights and memorable moments. The robotics events were a major highlight of the fest. The flight of the drones, the skillful maneuvering of the RC cars and boats, and the clanging of the metal colliding with glass during Bots Royale made sparks fly. Keynote addresses from industry leaders, the unveiling of groundbreaking prototypes, and the energy of collaborative hackathons were standout experiences as well.

8. Can you tell me about how Quantum X-24 brought participants together and the positive outcomes that resulted from these interactions?

Ans : Quantum X-24 went the extra mile to ensure that participants had ample opportunities to connect and collaborate. Through virtual networking sessions, themed discussion forums, and collaborative projects, participants were able to form cross-disciplinary teams and come up with innovative solutions during hackathons. We also had the honor of hosting influencers and industry leaders during our events, such as the Founders’ Forum and Creators’ Conclave, which led to insightful discussions and meaningful interactions with our young and curious audience. Overall, the positive outcomes of these interactions were evident in the productive collaborations and valuable relationships that were formed among participants.

9. Quantum X-24 showcased impressive technology and visionary innovation. What were some standout technological advancements or breakthroughs that left an impact on both the participants and the team?

Ans : The event featured standout technological advancements, including demonstrations of quantum computing applications, breakthroughs in sustainable energy solutions, and cutting-edge developments in artificial intelligence. These advancements left a lasting impact on participants, inspiring them to explore new avenues and pushing the boundaries of what is possible in their respective fields.

10. As the event concludes, what feedback have you received from participants, sponsors, and attendees, and how do you plan to use this feedback to enhance future editions of Quantum X?

Ans :  Feedback from participants, sponsors, and attendees has been invaluable. We are actively analyzing this feedback to identify areas for improvement and refine our approach for future editions of Quantum X. The positive responses have reinforced our commitment to delivering a high-quality, impactful event, and we plan to incorporate suggestions and insights to make Quantum X even more engaging and relevant in the years to come.


      When the curtains came down at the valedictory of Quantum X 24, every Horizonite involved in the event, both as organizers and participants, as onlookers and cheerleaders walked tall beaming with pride and smiles at the successful execution of an event of this magnitude, spanning three full days. The fest’s national reach, diverse participation, and strategic collaborations with leading companies solidified its position as a prominent event in the academic and professional calendar.

The team members were physically exhausted but mentally rejuvenated with the learning, networking, and endless possibilities it had opened up for each one of them. Good Luck team and wishes for many more such milestones!!