NHCE Partners with Oracle Academy

NHCE is elated to share with its faculty and students the acceptance of our institution as an active member of the Oracle Academy – September 1, 2021 – August 31, 2023.
Apart from the primary benefits to the AI-ML department of New Horizon College of Engineering – Institution level License Bundle, Software Update License and Free of Cost Support; the key benefits include:
- Oracle enterprise edition software’s – Free of Cost
- Access modular learning Oracle resources that include hands-on labs, projects, challenges, videos and presentations
- Free professional development and training for educators
- 25% discounts on Oracle Certification Exam vouchers
- 50% discounts on Oracle Press eBooks on select Oracle Certification Practice Exams
- Free NetSuite courses for self-study
- Access to Oracle Academy logos for use, pdf poster downloads and other materials for classroom use
NHCE continues to give its students the best they deserve; just as the students continue to make NHCE proud at an academic level.