The 31st October 2022 was marked as the day when the 15 extra-curricular clubs of New Horizon College of Engineering held their 6th inauguration day to swear-in the new Presidents along with the new board members for the academic year 2022-23.
The event got off to a great start with a melodious invocation by members of the Music club. Following which, the lighting of lamps was done by the Dignitaries.
Dr. Anitha S Rai, Extra-curricular club in charge, presented a report on the various club activities conducted in the year 2021-22 wherein a total of 38 Events has been organized during 2021-22. extra-curricular clubs have participated in 18 different events organized by other colleges. This was followed by the main ceremony of handing over of flags by the ex-presidents/committee members and the handover of badges to the new Presidents and other board members. The Department Heads were witnessed the handing over ceremony. The one minute creative video of each club was played during the ceremony.
Dr. Anitha S Rai administered the oath taken by all the club presidents, promising to fulfill their duties as club presidents and conduct activities that would benefit the overall growth of the students.
The Dean-Academics addressed all the student club committee members and spoke about the importance of leadership skills. She said students will learn communication skills, team work, leadership qualities by organizing various events. She motivated them saying extra-curricular both academic and co curricular/extra-curricular activities in their tenure as club committee member
The ceremony ended with the national anthem, and a promise in the hearts of all the presidents to work together and make every event a successful one and leave a mark before they leave the college. At the end, high tea was organized for all the students.