Interactive Session on Ram Mandir

Report on Interactive Session on Ram Mandir

On April 24th, 2024, NHCE had organized an interactive session on the topic of Ram Mandir at the Tejas Seminar Hall. The session aimed to provide students and faculty members with insights into the historical and cultural significance of the Ram Mandir, with Sri Gopal Ji, a Senior RSS Pracharak, serving as the esteemed speaker. The session included a briefing on the Ram Mandir followed by a question and answer session to facilitate a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

The session commenced with an introduction to Sri Gopal Ji, highlighting his expertise and experience in the subject matter. Sri Gopal Ji began his briefing by providing a comprehensive overview of the history and significance of the Ram Mandir, tracing its origins and importance in Hindu mythology and culture. He elucidated on the various historical and religious narratives associated with Lord Ram and the significance of Ayodhya as the birthplace of Lord Ram.

Following the briefing, the session transitioned into a dynamic question and answer segment, allowing attendees to engage with Sri Gopal Ji directly. Participants seized the opportunity to seek clarification on various aspects related to the Ram Mandir, including its historical context, legal developments, and socio-cultural implications. Sri Gopal Ji responded to each query with clarity and depth, enriching the discussion and fostering a conducive learning environment.

Glimpses of the event : Interaction Session on Ram Mandir