EEE Department organizing 6 days AICTE sponsored Online STTP Phase:II, “The Role of Smart Grids on Loss Reduction and Rural Electrification”

Start Time

10:00 am

January 4, 2021

Finish Time

4:00 pm

January 9, 2021


  • To train the trainer by providing theoretical and practical skills on Energy Efficiency and Active Demand Side Management with the latest smart grid technologies.
  • To create awareness among the faculty about the opportunities available for students in the Smart Grid Industry.
  • To train the faculty to upgrade their skills from the conventional power system technology to multidisciplinary smart grid technology.
  • To introduce “OpenDSS and SGsim” open-source simulation tools used for smart grid technology.


On completing the course, the faculty will be able

  • To define the different components of the smart grid
  • To choose appropriate smart grid technology to implement energy efficiency
  • To demonstrate the active demand-side management by utilizing the smart grid technology
  • To guide and teach students by providing the inputs of several smart grid technologies
  • To apply the smart grid technologies on research and development frontiers

Registration link: