Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering organizing AICTE sponsored STTP Phase-3“ The Role of IOT In Renewable Energy Sources Driving Electrical Power Grids”

Start Time

10:00 am

January 18, 2021

Finish Time

12:00 pm

January 23, 2021

The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering is happy to announce about organizing AICTE Sponsored STTP Phase-3 on topic “The Role of IOT In Renewable Energy Sources Driving Electrical Power Grids.”
The IoT devices in renewable energy management are used to monitor and control manually or automatically to manipulate the electricity production The main objective of STTP are

  • To provide the knowledge on IoT based renewable energy management.
  • To provide the knowledge on the Smart Grid automation using IoT.
  • The latest technology on the power demand and management using IoT.
  • The research tools used for the implementation of recent trends on renewable energy management and utilization.
  • To motivate the participates to research on the latest demands on the IoT focusing on the Electricity grids.

The faculty members of Engineering Institutions, Universities, Research Scholars, Industry persons and Engineers from R&D Labs can attend online STTP via Google meet app.

Morning : 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
AfterNoon: 02:00 PM to 4:00 PM

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