BUILDATHON Students Technical Event

Start Time

10:00 am

April 11, 2023

Finish Time

4:00 pm

April 11, 2023

IEEE IES NHCE Student Branch Chapter of Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department, NHCE is planning to organize the Students Technical Event “BUILDATHON” on 11th April 2023. The event is targeted to B.E/B.Tech Students of NHCE. The programme details are given below.
The whole aim behind the event is to help the participants get familiarized with basic electrical core components, concepts, as well as inspire constructive dialogue on trending topics in the technology field. Along with improving their technical knowledge, participants will be able to elevate their soft skills such as time management, communication skills, and decision making, to ensure an all-round development it will also be a hands-on session along with a competition. The details of the events are as follows:
Day 1: The first day of the event contains two rounds i.e., Treasure Hunt & Circuit Designing
Round 1: Treasure Hunt: This Round consist of treasure hunt where the event organizing members will be hiding a set of components and the participants seek to gather all items. Its gonna be an elimination Round the fastest ones will be shortlisted for the Round 2
Round 2: Circuit Designing: The Round 2 will be Circuit designing Round,Where the shortlisted participants will be taught to design a circuit in the circuit stimulation software. Later on they will be given a set of circuits to design in a certain amount of time .One who gets this in the earliest will be considered as winner.
1.Students will be introduced to the electrical and electronics components.
2.Designing in a stimulation software will be taught.
3.It will also be a hands-on session along with a competition.
Venue: B215