Election campaign

Report on Election campaign – Cast your Vote

On April 19th, 2024, NHCE Extra curricular clubs organized an Election Campaign on its campus in anticipation of the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections. The primary objective of the campaign was to encourage students to exercise their right to vote and actively participate in the democratic process. The campaign featured various activities aimed at raising awareness about the importance of voting and engaging students in meaningful discussions on civic responsibility.

Morning Session: The campaign kicked off with members of the Extra-Curricular Clubs visiting classrooms to conduct a door-to-door campaign. Students from different clubs engaged their peers in discussions about the significance of voting, emphasizing the impact of individual participation on shaping the future of the nation.

Afternoon Session: In the afternoon, a procession was organized within the campus premises to further amplify the campaign’s message. Extra-Curricular Club students led the procession, accompanied by enthusiastic participants from across the college. The procession served as a visual representation of the collective commitment towards promoting voter awareness and participation.

The campaign employed a multi-dimensional approach by integrating various forms of artistic expression, including dance, music, and drama, to effectively convey the message of voter awareness and engagement. The Drama Club played a crucial role in educating first-time voters by simulating the voting process through a dramatic presentation. This interactive approach helped demystify the voting procedure and empowered students with the knowledge needed to exercise their franchise confidently. Through speeches and interactive sessions, students were encouraged to recognize the significance of their role in shaping the political landscape of the country. The campaign aimed to empower students by emphasizing the power of their vote in driving positive change.

The Election Campaign organized by NHCE on April 19th, 2024, served as a platform for fostering civic engagement and promoting voter awareness among students. Through a combination of creative presentations, educational initiatives, and interactive sessions, the campaign successfully conveyed the message of “Cast Your Vote” to the student community. By instilling a sense of responsibility and empowerment, the campaign contributed towards building an informed and participative electorate for the future.

Glimpses of the event : Election awareness drive