Event Date: 28th March, 2025
Preparation Time: 3:00pm – 3:15pm
Event Start Time: 3:15pm – 4:30pm
Event Venue:
AIML Lab – 3


Welcome to Data Dive, organized in joint collaboration between TECH FORGE CLUB & DATA ANALYTICS CLUB of New Horizon College of Engineering. This event aims to get students to think on the go with time sensitive problems that need to be looked at in alternative ways in order to obtain the solution. It also encourages students to collaborate with their fellow peers of how they arrive at certain conclusions and their reasoning behind getting to a certain answer. The following rules and regulations are designed in order to guarantee the safety and equality for students competing in this event.

Each team should consist of 2 members.

General Guidelines

  • Registration: All participants for the event must register prior to the event and report to AIML Lab-3 by 3:00pm.
  • Student ID: All participants carry a valid student ID card from their institution and present it at the time of registration.
  • Team Composition: Each team may consist of up to 4 These members may be from different institutions.
  • Punctuality: Teams must adhere to the scheduled time, and participants who come to the venue later than the given time, may be refused
  • Preparation Time: A 15 minute time frame is allocated in order for teams to discuss and strategize for the competition. Teams will not be given extensions on this time, and must use this time wisely.

Competition Guidelines

  • Each team will compete to escape an escape room, in the fastest time possible. In order to escape the escape room, each team must solve an assortment of questions, by collaborating with their other team
  • Each team is only given one attempt at the questions, and reattempts will not be permitted.
  • Judges and Event Organizers may require in-detail explanations of how you reached a certain answer to a This will not count towards your final time.
  • If two teams are tied, a tie-breaker round will be played, head to

Each question in this case, will be worth one point. The team higher points by the end of this round will be the winner.

Supplies and Equipment

  • Teams are advised not to bring any items to the event, all items will be provided to you by event coordinators and club members.
  • Use of unauthorized materials during the competition by any individual may result in the disqualification of his/her entire team.

Judging Criteria and Decisions

  • Judging will commence from 3:15pm Judges will be present throughout the event monitoring the activities of the participants.
  • Criteria of Judging (Team-wise Score)
    1. Time of Completion
    2. Effectiveness of Communication between team members
    3. Technical Skills and Ability
    4. Creativity of Participants
  • The decisions taken by the judging panel and the event coordinators are binding and final. No appeals regarding judging outcomes will be

Code of Conduct

  • Behavioural Expectations: Participants are expected to behave respectfully with fellow participants, and organizers. Any form of misconduct will not be tolerated and will lead to disqualification.
  • Punctuality and Discipline: Teams must stick to the allotted time slots and avoid disrupting other teams.
  • Rule Changes: Organizers reserve the right to change the rules as deemed necessary. Any changes will be communicated to the registered participants via. Email or on-site announcements.

Post-Event Protocol

  • Based on the number of contestants in the competition, you may receive the results immediately or after a small time We kindly request that you remain within AIML Lab-3 post the competition until given permission to leave from the club members or the event coordinators.
  • We also request that you keep the venue clean, and use the trash bins to dispose of trash Event management is not responsible for any of your lost belongings.

Emergency and Support

  • Our team will assist you in case of any technical issues that are faced (including; internet, power outage, etc).
  • Time may be compensated if the time lost fixing the problem was
  • In case of any safety concerns, accidents, or We request that you immediately contact a club member or event coordinator for assistance.


Sneha: 7352610402
Gauri: 7994804767