As per an AICTE initiative, New Horizon College of Engineering organized an event to observe the Anti-Ragging Day on the 12th of August 2023 from 11.30 pm to 1.00 pm.
Prior to this, Poster Designing and Essay Writing competitions were conducted in the College on the 3rd and 4th of August 2023 to support this initiative with the theme “ SAY NO TO RAGGING”.
The highlights of the event included:
- Principal, Registrar, HoDs, COO, Staff, and Students participated in this event
- Speech by the Chief Operating Officer, Group Captain Tarun Batra, on Ragging and the Precautions against ragging including the measures taken by the college to provide a ragging-free environment to all students.
- Address by the Principal, Dr. Manjunatha, followed by prize distribution to the winners of the events previously conducted on account of the Anti-Ragging
- The posters made by students for the competition were also displayed to the audience and it was decided to put them up in the college and hostel notice boards.
- Presentation by the student counsellors, Ms. Manasa and Ms. Regina, on Ragging and its ill effects on students’ physical and mental health followed by a video talking about ways to overcome ragging.