Clean Campus promotes Hygiene, It improves hygiene level in campus and also helps to reduce the spread of sickness, maintaining a clean college environment sets a good example to students. Cleanliness encourages learners to take pride in their college, which makes them less likely to drop litter and as such they will potentially make a bigger effort to maintain their environment. Cleanliness gives rise to a good character by keeping body, mind, and soul clean and peaceful. Maintaining cleanliness is the essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our personality by keeping clean externally and internally.

New Horizon College of Engineering has organized a Clean Campus campaign on 20th December 2021 to educate and to promote civic sense among students community. Extra curricular club students went to all the classes and briefed about the importance of cleanliness of the campus. Students were advised not to throw paper plates, water bottle, paper cups, tissues, and many unwanted things on campus Lawns, Library, cafeteria, umbrella canteen, garden, sitting Area, corridors, class rooms, pathway and other open areas which is very unhygienic to all of us. They were also informed to make the college campus & class rooms a beautiful place for one and it makes individuals healthier when the environment around them is healthy.