Microcontroller And Embedded Systems

Data transfer – Program for block data movement, sorting, exchanging, finding largest element in an array”
“Arithmetic instructions: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Square and cube operations for 16-bit numbers.”
Counters, Boolean and logical instructions (bit manipulation)
Conditional call and return instructions
“Code conversion programs – BCD to ASCII, ASCII to BCD, ASCII to decimal, Decimal to ASCII, Hexa decimal to and Decimal to Hexa”
Programs for delay and counter operations
Programs using serial port and on-chip timer
8051 Interfacing: Stepper Motor, DC motor
8051 Interfacing: LCD
8051 Interfacing: DAC (waveform generation)
AVR ATMEGA2560 Interface: 4 X 4 Dot Matrix Keypad, Voltage sensor, Current Sensor, Temperature sensor, :IR sensor, PIR sensor, Ultrasonic sensor, Soil moisture sensor, Gas sensor.
“AVR ATMEGA2560 Interface: Seven Segment, Relay, Opto-coupler with power switch drivers. Servo Motor, RS232, RF transceiver, ZigBee module.”

New Horizon College of Engineering is an Autonomous college affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University(VTU).

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